I was reading about red giants and came across this statement: Some research suggests that, during the evolution of a 1 M☉ star along the red-giant branch, it could harbor a habitable zone for sev…
Az olyan óriásbolygók, mint a Jupiter, rezgésekkel rendelkeznek, amelyek lehetővé teszik az elemzéseket az aszterózismológia technikáival, például Gaulme et al. (2011) sugársebességgel detektált globális módokat a Jupiteren
I need to study space, planets and black holes, how do I study them on my own, knowing that I am an Arab and I do not know English. I use translation applications. I speak with you. Can you help me…
I've been wanting to create a simulator to run tests based on properties of a star to find patterns in how planets form. Are there any already made equations for any of these countless relationships?
As we know, Triton has retrograde orbit , which is an stong evidence it is captured by Neptune. Suppose if a moon is captured, but results in prograde orbit, and the orbit becomes circular and lies…
Asztrópiát használok, és át kell alakítanom az ilyen dátumokat: 2012.06.22_17: 56: 15_TAI julianus napszámmá. Próbáltam: asztropiából.time importálás Idő hmitime = hminew ['MidTime'] i = 0 print (hmitime [i]) h…